File "lo.js"
Full path: /usr/home/mndrn/domains/
File size: 40.41 KiB (41379 bytes)
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8
// This file was automatically generated. Do not modify.
'use strict';
Blockly.Msg["ADD_COMMENT"] = "ເພີ່ມຄຳອະທິບາຍ";
Blockly.Msg["CANNOT_DELETE_VARIABLE_PROCEDURE"] = "Can't delete the variable '%1' because it's part of the definition of the function '%2'"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CHANGE_VALUE_TITLE"] = "ປ່ຽນຄ່າ:";
Blockly.Msg["CLEAN_UP"] = "ຈັດລຽນບລັອກໃຫ້ເປັນແຖວ";
Blockly.Msg["COLLAPSED_WARNINGS_WARNING"] = "Collapsed blocks contain warnings."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["COLLAPSE_ALL"] = "ຍຸບບລັອກ";
Blockly.Msg["COLLAPSE_BLOCK"] = "ຍຸບບລັອກ";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR1"] = "ສີ 1";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR2"] = "ສີ 2";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_RATIO"] = "ອັດຕາສ່ວນ";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_TITLE"] = "ປະສົມ";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_TOOLTIP"] = "ປະສົມສອງສີເຂົ້າກັນດ້ວຍອັດຕາສ່ວນ (0.0 - 1.0).";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_PICKER_HELPURL"] = "ສີ";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_PICKER_TOOLTIP"] = "ເລືອກສີຈາກຈານສີ.";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RANDOM_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RANDOM_TITLE"] = "ສຸ່ມສີ";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RANDOM_TOOLTIP"] = "ເລືອກສີແບບສຸ່ມ.";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_BLUE"] = "ຄ່າສີນ້ຳເງິນ";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_GREEN"] = "ຄ່າສີຂຽວ";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_RED"] = "ຄ່າສີແດງ";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_TITLE"] = "ສີທີ່ປະກອບດ້ວຍ";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_TOOLTIP"] = "ສ້າງສີດ້ວຍການກຳນົດຄ່າສີແດງ, ສີຂຽວ, ແລະສີນ້ຳເງິນ. ຄ່າທັງໝົດຕ້ອງຢູ່ລະຫວ່າງ 0 ເຖິງ 100.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_OPERATOR_BREAK"] = "ອອກຈາກການວົນຊ້ຳ";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_OPERATOR_CONTINUE"] = "ເລີ່ມການວົນຊ້ຳຮອບຕໍ່ໄປ";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_TOOLTIP_BREAK"] = "ອອກຈາກການວົນຊ້ຳທີ່ຢູ່.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_TOOLTIP_CONTINUE"] = "ຂ້າມຜ່ານຄຳສັ່ງທີ່ເຫຼືອຢູ່, ແລະເລີ່ມການວົນຊ້ຳຮອບຕໍ່ໄປ.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_WARNING"] = "ຄຳເຕືອນ: ບລັອກນີ້ໃຊ້ງານໄດ້ພາຍໃນການວົນຊ້ຳເທົ່ານັ້ນ.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOREACH_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOREACH_TITLE"] = "ຈາກທຸກລາຍການ %1 ໃນລາຍຊື່ %2";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOREACH_TOOLTIP"] = "ສຳລັບທຸກລາຍການໃນລາຍຊື່, ໃຫ້ຕັ້ງຄ່າຕົວແປ '%1' ເປັນລາຍການ, ແລະເຮັດຕາມຄຳສັ່ງທີ່ກຳນົດໄວ້.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOR_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOR_TITLE"] = "ນັບດ້ວຍ %1 ຈາກ %2 ເຖິງ %3 ປ່ຽນຄ່າທີລະ %4";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOR_TOOLTIP"] = "ຕົວແປ '%1' ຈະເລີ່ມຈາກຈຳນວນເລີ່ມຕົ້ນໄປຫາຈຳນວນສຸດທ້າຍ, ນັບຕາມຊ່ວງໄລຍະທີ່ກຳນົດ, ແລະເຮັດຕາມບລັອກທີ່ກຳນົດໄວ້.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_ELSEIF_TOOLTIP"] = "ເພີ່ມເງື່ອນໄຂລົງໃນບລັອກ \"ຖ້າ\".";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_ELSE_TOOLTIP"] = "ເພີ່ມສິ່ງສຸດທ້າຍ, ກວດຫາຄວາມເປັນໄປໄດ້ທັງໝົດຂອງບລັອກ \"ຖ້າ\".";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_IF_TOOLTIP"] = "ເພີ່ມ, ລຶບ, ຫຼື ຈັດລຽງບລັອກ \"ຖ້າ\" ນີ້ໃໝ່.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSE"] = "ນອກຈາກນີ້";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSEIF"] = "ນອກຈາກນີ້ ຖ້າ";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_MSG_IF"] = "ຖ້າ";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_1"] = "ຖ້າເງື່ອນໄຂເປັນຈິງ, ກໍຈະເຮັດຕາມທີ່ກຳນົດ.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_2"] = "If a value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, do the second block of statements."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_3"] = "If the first value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, if the second value is true, do the second block of statements."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_4"] = "If the first value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, if the second value is true, do the second block of statements. If none of the values are true, do the last block of statements."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO"] = "ເຮັດ";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_REPEAT_TITLE"] = "ເຮັດຄືນ %1 ຄັ້ງ";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_REPEAT_TOOLTIP"] = "ເຮັດຄຳສັ່ງບາງຄຳສັ່ງຄືນຫຼາຍໆຄັ້ງ.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_OPERATOR_UNTIL"] = "ເຮັດຄືນຈົນກະທັ່ງ";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_OPERATOR_WHILE"] = "ເຮັດຄືນຂະນະທີ່";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_UNTIL"] = "ຂະນະທີ່ຄ່າເປັນເທັດ, ກໍຈະເຮັດຄຳສັ່ງບາງຄຳສັ່ງ.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_WHILE"] = "ຂະນະທີ່ຄ່າເປັນຈິງ, ກໍຈະເຮັດຄຳສັ່ງບາງຄຳສັ່ງ.";
Blockly.Msg["DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS"] = "ລຶບ %1 ບລັອກທັງໝົດຫຼືບໍ່?";
Blockly.Msg["DELETE_BLOCK"] = "ລຶບບລັອກ";
Blockly.Msg["DELETE_VARIABLE"] = "Delete the '%1' variable"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["DELETE_VARIABLE_CONFIRMATION"] = "Delete %1 uses of the '%2' variable?"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["DELETE_X_BLOCKS"] = "ລຶບ %1 ບລັອກ";
Blockly.Msg["DISABLE_BLOCK"] = "ປິດໃຊ້ງານບລັອກ";
Blockly.Msg["DUPLICATE_BLOCK"] = "ເຮັດສຳເນົາ";
Blockly.Msg["DUPLICATE_COMMENT"] = "Duplicate Comment"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["ENABLE_BLOCK"] = "ເປີດໃຊ້ງານບລັອກ";
Blockly.Msg["EXPAND_ALL"] = "ຂະຫຍາຍບລັອກ";
Blockly.Msg["EXPAND_BLOCK"] = "ຂະຫຍາຍບລັອກ";
Blockly.Msg["EXTERNAL_INPUTS"] = "ອິນພຸດພາຍນອກ";
Blockly.Msg["HELP"] = "ຊ່ວຍເຫຼືອ";
Blockly.Msg["INLINE_INPUTS"] = "ອິນພຸດໃນບັນທັດ";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_CANCEL"] = "Cancel"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_ERROR"] = "Error"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_OK"] = "OK"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_PROCEDURES_ADD_INPUT"] = "+ Add Input"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_PROCEDURES_ALLOW_STATEMENTS"] = "Allow statements"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_PROCEDURES_DUPLICATE_INPUTS_ERROR"] = "This function has duplicate inputs."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_PROCEDURES_INPUTS"] = "INPUTS"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_ADD_BUTTON"] = "Add"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_ADD_VARIABLE"] = "+ Add Variable"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_DELETE_BUTTON"] = "Delete"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_EMPTY_NAME_ERROR"] = "You can't use an empty variable name."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_RENAME_BUTTON"] = "Rename"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_VARIABLE_NAME"] = "Variable name"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TITLE"] = "create empty list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns a list, of length 0, containing no data records"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TITLE_ADD"] = "list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TOOLTIP"] = "Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this list block."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_WITH_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_WITH_INPUT_WITH"] = "create list with"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TOOLTIP"] = "Add an item to the list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_WITH_TOOLTIP"] = "Create a list with any number of items."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_FIRST"] = "first"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_FROM_END"] = "# from end"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_FROM_START"] = "#"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_GET"] = "get"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_GET_REMOVE"] = "get and remove"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_LAST"] = "last"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_RANDOM"] = "random"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_REMOVE"] = "remove"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TAIL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FIRST"] = "Returns the first item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FROM"] = "Returns the item at the specified position in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_LAST"] = "Returns the last item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_RANDOM"] = "Returns a random item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FIRST"] = "Removes and returns the first item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FROM"] = "Removes and returns the item at the specified position in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_LAST"] = "Removes and returns the last item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_RANDOM"] = "Removes and returns a random item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FIRST"] = "Removes the first item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FROM"] = "Removes the item at the specified position in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_LAST"] = "Removes the last item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_RANDOM"] = "Removes a random item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_FROM_END"] = "to # from end"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_FROM_START"] = "to #"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_LAST"] = "to last"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FIRST"] = "get sub-list from first"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FROM_END"] = "get sub-list from # from end"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FROM_START"] = "get sub-list from #"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_TAIL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_TOOLTIP"] = "Creates a copy of the specified portion of a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_FROM_END_TOOLTIP"] = "%1 is the last item."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_FROM_START_TOOLTIP"] = "%1 is the first item."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_OF_FIRST"] = "find first occurrence of item"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_OF_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_OF_LAST"] = "find last occurrence of item"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_OF_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns the index of the first/last occurrence of the item in the list. Returns %1 if item is not found."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INLIST"] = "in list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_ISEMPTY_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_ISEMPTY_TITLE"] = "%1 is empty"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns true if the list is empty."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_LENGTH_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_LENGTH_TITLE"] = "length of %1"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_LENGTH_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns the length of a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REPEAT_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REPEAT_TITLE"] = "create list with item %1 repeated %2 times"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REPEAT_TOOLTIP"] = "Creates a list consisting of the given value repeated the specified number of times."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REVERSE_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REVERSE_MESSAGE0"] = "reverse %1"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REVERSE_TOOLTIP"] = "Reverse a copy of a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_INPUT_TO"] = "as"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_INSERT"] = "insert at"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_SET"] = "set"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FIRST"] = "Inserts the item at the start of a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FROM"] = "Inserts the item at the specified position in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_LAST"] = "Append the item to the end of a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_RANDOM"] = "Inserts the item randomly in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FIRST"] = "Sets the first item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FROM"] = "Sets the item at the specified position in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_LAST"] = "Sets the last item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_RANDOM"] = "Sets a random item in a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING"] = "ascending"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING"] = "descending"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_TITLE"] = "sort %1 %2 %3"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_TOOLTIP"] = "Sort a copy of a list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_TYPE_IGNORECASE"] = "alphabetic, ignore case"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_TYPE_NUMERIC"] = "numeric"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_TYPE_TEXT"] = "alphabetic"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_LIST_FROM_TEXT"] = "make list from text"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_TEXT_FROM_LIST"] = "make text from list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_TOOLTIP_JOIN"] = "Join a list of texts into one text, separated by a delimiter."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_TOOLTIP_SPLIT"] = "Split text into a list of texts, breaking at each delimiter."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_WITH_DELIMITER"] = "with delimiter"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_BOOLEAN_FALSE"] = "ເທັດ";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_BOOLEAN_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_BOOLEAN_TOOLTIP"] = "ຄືນຄ່າເປັນຈິງ ຫຼື ເທັດ.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_BOOLEAN_TRUE"] = "ຈິງ";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_HELPURL"] = "ອະສົມຜົນ";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_EQ"] = "ຄືນຄ່າຈິງຖ້າຄ່າທີ່ີໃສ່ທັງສອງຄ່ານັ້ນເທົ່າກັນ.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_GT"] = "ຄືນຄ່າເປັນຈິງຖ້າຄ່າທຳອິດຫຼາຍກວ່າຄ່າທີ່ສອງ.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_GTE"] = "ຄືນຄ່າເປັນຈິງຖ້າຄ່າທຳອິດຫຼາຍກວ່າ ຫຼື ເທົ່າກັບຄ່າທີ່ສອງ.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_LT"] = "ຄືນຄ່າເປັນຈິງຖ້າຄ່າທຳອິດນ້ອຍກວ່າຄ່າທີ່ສອງ.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_LTE"] = "ຄືນຄ່າເປັນຈິງຖ້າຄ່າທຳອິດນ້ອຍກວ່າ ຫຼື ເທົ່າກັບຄ່າທີ່ສອງ.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_NEQ"] = "ຄືນຄ່າຈິງຖ້າຄ່າທີ່ີໃສ່ທັງສອງຄ່ານັ້ນບໍ່ເທົ່າກັນ.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NEGATE_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NEGATE_TITLE"] = "ບໍ່ %1";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NEGATE_TOOLTIP"] = "ຄືນຄ່າເປັນຈິງຖ້າຄ່າທີ່ໃສ່ເປັນເທັດ. ຄືນຄ່າເປັນເທັດຖ້າຄ່າທີ່ໃສ່ເປັນຈິງ.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NULL"] = "ບໍ່ກຳນົດ";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NULL_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NULL_TOOLTIP"] = "ຄືນຄ່າບໍ່ກຳນົດ.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_OPERATION_AND"] = "ແລະ";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_OPERATION_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_OPERATION_OR"] = "ຫຼື";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_OPERATION_TOOLTIP_AND"] = "ຄືນຄ່າເປັນຈິງຖ້າຄ່າທັງສອງເປັນຈິງ.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_OPERATION_TOOLTIP_OR"] = "ຄືນຄ່າເປັນຈິງຖ້າມີຄ່າຢ່າງນ້ອຍໜຶ່ງຄ່າທີ່ເປັນຈິງ.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_TERNARY_CONDITION"] = "ທົດສອບ";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_TERNARY_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_TERNARY_IF_FALSE"] = "ຖ້າ ເປັນເທັດ";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_TERNARY_IF_TRUE"] = "ຖ້າ ເປັນຈິງ";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_TERNARY_TOOLTIP"] = "ກວດສອບເງື່ອນໄຂໃນ 'ທົດສອບ'. ຖ້າເງື່ອນໄຂເປັນຈິງ, ຄືນຄ່າ 'ຖ້າ ເປັນຈິງ'; ຖ້າເງື່ອນໄຂເປັນເທັດ, ໃຫ້ຄືນຄ່າ 'ຖ້າ ເປັນເທັດ'.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ADDITION_SYMBOL"] = "+"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ARITHMETIC_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_ADD"] = "Return the sum of the two numbers."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_DIVIDE"] = "Return the quotient of the two numbers."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MINUS"] = "Return the difference of the two numbers."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MULTIPLY"] = "Return the product of the two numbers."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_POWER"] = "Return the first number raised to the power of the second number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ATAN2_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ATAN2_TITLE"] = "atan2 of X:%1 Y:%2"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ATAN2_TOOLTIP"] = "Return the arctangent of point (X, Y) in degrees from -180 to 180."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CHANGE_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CHANGE_TITLE"] = "change %1 by %2"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CHANGE_TOOLTIP"] = "Add a number to variable '%1'."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CONSTANT_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CONSTANT_TOOLTIP"] = "Return one of the common constants: π (3.141…), e (2.718…), φ (1.618…), sqrt(2) (1.414…), sqrt(½) (0.707…), or ∞ (infinity)."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CONSTRAIN_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CONSTRAIN_TITLE"] = "constrain %1 low %2 high %3"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CONSTRAIN_TOOLTIP"] = "Constrain a number to be between the specified limits (inclusive)."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_DIVISION_SYMBOL"] = "÷"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_DIVISIBLE_BY"] = "is divisible by"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_EVEN"] = "is even"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_NEGATIVE"] = "is negative"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_ODD"] = "is odd"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_POSITIVE"] = "is positive"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_PRIME"] = "is prime"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_TOOLTIP"] = "Check if a number is an even, odd, prime, whole, positive, negative, or if it is divisible by certain number. Returns true or false."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_WHOLE"] = "is whole"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_MODULO_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_MODULO_TITLE"] = "remainder of %1 ÷ %2"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_MODULO_TOOLTIP"] = "Return the remainder from dividing the two numbers."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_MULTIPLICATION_SYMBOL"] = "×"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_NUMBER_HELPURL"] = "ຈຳນວນ";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_NUMBER_TOOLTIP"] = "ຈຳນວນໜຶ່ງ.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_AVERAGE"] = "average of list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MAX"] = "max of list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MEDIAN"] = "median of list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MIN"] = "min of list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MODE"] = "modes of list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_RANDOM"] = "random item of list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_STD_DEV"] = "standard deviation of list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_SUM"] = "sum of list"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_AVERAGE"] = "Return the average (arithmetic mean) of the numeric values in the list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MAX"] = "Return the largest number in the list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MEDIAN"] = "Return the median number in the list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MIN"] = "Return the smallest number in the list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MODE"] = "Return a list of the most common item(s) in the list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_RANDOM"] = "Return a random element from the list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_STD_DEV"] = "Return the standard deviation of the list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_SUM"] = "Return the sum of all the numbers in the list."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_POWER_SYMBOL"] = "^"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TITLE_RANDOM"] = "random fraction"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TOOLTIP"] = "Return a random fraction between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive)."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_RANDOM_INT_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_RANDOM_INT_TITLE"] = "random integer from %1 to %2"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_RANDOM_INT_TOOLTIP"] = "Return a random integer between the two specified limits, inclusive."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ROUND_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUND"] = "round"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDDOWN"] = "round down"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDUP"] = "round up"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ROUND_TOOLTIP"] = "Round a number up or down."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_OP_ABSOLUTE"] = "absolute"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_OP_ROOT"] = "square root"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ABS"] = "Return the absolute value of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_EXP"] = "Return e to the power of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LN"] = "Return the natural logarithm of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LOG10"] = "Return the base 10 logarithm of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_NEG"] = "Return the negation of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_POW10"] = "Return 10 to the power of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ROOT"] = "Return the square root of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SUBTRACTION_SYMBOL"] = "-"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_ACOS"] = "acos"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_ASIN"] = "asin"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_ATAN"] = "atan"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_COS"] = "cos"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_SIN"] = "sin"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TAN"] = "tan"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ACOS"] = "Return the arccosine of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ASIN"] = "Return the arcsine of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ATAN"] = "Return the arctangent of a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_COS"] = "Return the cosine of a degree (not radian)."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_SIN"] = "Return the sine of a degree (not radian)."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_TAN"] = "Return the tangent of a degree (not radian)."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["NEW_COLOUR_VARIABLE"] = "Create colour variable..."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["NEW_NUMBER_VARIABLE"] = "Create number variable..."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["NEW_STRING_VARIABLE"] = "Create string variable..."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["NEW_VARIABLE"] = "Create variable..."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["NEW_VARIABLE_TITLE"] = "ຊື່ຕົວແປໃໝ່:";
Blockly.Msg["NEW_VARIABLE_TYPE_TITLE"] = "New variable type:"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_ALLOW_STATEMENTS"] = "allow statements"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_BEFORE_PARAMS"] = "with:"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_CALLNORETURN_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_CALLNORETURN_TOOLTIP"] = "Run the user-defined function '%1'."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_CALLRETURN_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_CALLRETURN_TOOLTIP"] = "Run the user-defined function '%1' and use its output."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_CALL_BEFORE_PARAMS"] = "with:"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_CREATE_DO"] = "Create '%1'"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_COMMENT"] = "Describe this function..."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_DO"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_PROCEDURE"] = "do something"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_TITLE"] = "to"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_TOOLTIP"] = "Creates a function with no output."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_RETURN"] = "return"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_TOOLTIP"] = "Creates a function with an output."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEF_DUPLICATE_WARNING"] = "Warning: This function has duplicate parameters."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_HIGHLIGHT_DEF"] = "Highlight function definition"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_TOOLTIP"] = "If a value is true, then return a second value."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_WARNING"] = "Warning: This block may be used only within a function definition."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_MUTATORARG_TITLE"] = "input name:"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_MUTATORARG_TOOLTIP"] = "Add an input to the function."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_MUTATORCONTAINER_TITLE"] = "inputs"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_MUTATORCONTAINER_TOOLTIP"] = "Add, remove, or reorder inputs to this function."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["REDO"] = "ເຮັດຄືນ";
Blockly.Msg["REMOVE_COMMENT"] = "ເອົາຄຳອະທິບາຍອອກ";
Blockly.Msg["RENAME_VARIABLE"] = "ປ່ຽນຊື່ຕົວແປ...";
Blockly.Msg["RENAME_VARIABLE_TITLE"] = "ປ່ຽນຊື່ຕົວແປ '%1' ທັງໝົດເປັນ:";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_APPEND_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_APPEND_TITLE"] = "to %1 append text %2"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_APPEND_TOOLTIP"] = "Append some text to variable '%1'."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHANGECASE_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_LOWERCASE"] = "to lower case"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_TITLECASE"] = "to Title Case"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_UPPERCASE"] = "to UPPER CASE"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHANGECASE_TOOLTIP"] = "Return a copy of the text in a different case."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_FIRST"] = "get first letter"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_FROM_END"] = "get letter # from end"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_FROM_START"] = "get letter #"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_LAST"] = "get last letter"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_RANDOM"] = "get random letter"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_TAIL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_TITLE"] = "in text %1 %2"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns the letter at the specified position."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_COUNT_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_COUNT_MESSAGE0"] = "count %1 in %2"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_COUNT_TOOLTIP"] = "Count how many times some text occurs within some other text."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_ITEM_TOOLTIP"] = "Add an item to the text."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_TITLE_JOIN"] = "join"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_TOOLTIP"] = "Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this text block."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_FROM_END"] = "to letter # from end"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_FROM_START"] = "to letter #"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_LAST"] = "to last letter"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_INPUT_IN_TEXT"] = "in text"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FIRST"] = "get substring from first letter"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FROM_END"] = "get substring from letter # from end"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FROM_START"] = "get substring from letter #"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_TAIL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns a specified portion of the text."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_INDEXOF_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_INDEXOF_OPERATOR_FIRST"] = "find first occurrence of text"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_INDEXOF_OPERATOR_LAST"] = "find last occurrence of text"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_INDEXOF_TITLE"] = "in text %1 %2 %3"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_INDEXOF_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns the index of the first/last occurrence of the first text in the second text. Returns %1 if text is not found."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_ISEMPTY_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_ISEMPTY_TITLE"] = "%1 is empty"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns true if the provided text is empty."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_JOIN_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_JOIN_TITLE_CREATEWITH"] = "create text with"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_JOIN_TOOLTIP"] = "Create a piece of text by joining together any number of items."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_LENGTH_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_LENGTH_TITLE"] = "length of %1"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_LENGTH_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns the number of letters (including spaces) in the provided text."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PRINT_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PRINT_TITLE"] = "print %1"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PRINT_TOOLTIP"] = "Print the specified text, number or other value."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PROMPT_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PROMPT_TOOLTIP_NUMBER"] = "Prompt for user for a number."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PROMPT_TOOLTIP_TEXT"] = "Prompt for user for some text."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PROMPT_TYPE_NUMBER"] = "prompt for number with message"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PROMPT_TYPE_TEXT"] = "prompt for text with message"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REPLACE_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REPLACE_MESSAGE0"] = "replace %1 with %2 in %3"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REPLACE_TOOLTIP"] = "Replace all occurances of some text within some other text."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REVERSE_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REVERSE_MESSAGE0"] = "reverse %1"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REVERSE_TOOLTIP"] = "Reverses the order of the characters in the text."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TEXT_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TEXT_TOOLTIP"] = "A letter, word, or line of text."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TRIM_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_BOTH"] = "trim spaces from both sides of"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_LEFT"] = "trim spaces from left side of"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_RIGHT"] = "trim spaces from right side of"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TRIM_TOOLTIP"] = "Return a copy of the text with spaces removed from one or both ends."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TODAY"] = "ມື້ນີ້";
Blockly.Msg["UNDO"] = "ກັບຄືນ";
Blockly.Msg["UNNAMED_KEY"] = "unnamed"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME"] = "ລາຍການ";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_GET_CREATE_SET"] = "Create 'set %1'"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_GET_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_GET_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns the value of this variable."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_SET"] = "set %1 to %2"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_SET_CREATE_GET"] = "Create 'get %1'"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_SET_HELPURL"] = ""; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_SET_TOOLTIP"] = "Sets this variable to be equal to the input."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS"] = "A variable named '%1' already exists."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_ANOTHER_TYPE"] = "A variable named '%1' already exists for another type: '%2'."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["WORKSPACE_ARIA_LABEL"] = "Blockly Workspace"; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["WORKSPACE_COMMENT_DEFAULT_TEXT"] = "Say something..."; // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_HUE"] = "230";
Blockly.Msg["LOOPS_HUE"] = "120";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_HUE"] = "260";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_HUE"] = "210";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_HUE"] = "330";
Blockly.Msg["TEXTS_HUE"] = "160";
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_HUE"] = "290";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_HUE"] = "20";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_DYNAMIC_HUE"] = "310";