File "diq.js"

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// This file was automatically generated.  Do not modify.

'use strict';

Blockly.Msg["ADD_COMMENT"] = "Tefsir cı ke";
Blockly.Msg["CANNOT_DELETE_VARIABLE_PROCEDURE"] = "Can't delete the variable '%1' because it's part of the definition of the function '%2'";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CHANGE_VALUE_TITLE"] = "Erci bıvurne:";
Blockly.Msg["CLEAN_UP"] = "Blokan pak ke";
Blockly.Msg["COLLAPSED_WARNINGS_WARNING"] = "Collapsed blocks contain warnings.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["COLLAPSE_ALL"] = "Blokan teng ke";
Blockly.Msg["COLLAPSE_BLOCK"] = "Bloki teng ke";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR1"] = "reng 1";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_COLOUR2"] = "reng 2";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_RATIO"] = "nısbet";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_TITLE"] = "tewde";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_BLEND_TOOLTIP"] = "Blends two colours together with a given ratio (0.0 - 1.0).";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_PICKER_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_PICKER_TOOLTIP"] = "Şıma palet ra yew reng weçinê.";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RANDOM_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RANDOM_TITLE"] = "rengo rastameye";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RANDOM_TOOLTIP"] = "Tesadufi yu ren bıweçin";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_BLUE"] = "kewe";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_GREEN"] = "kıho";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_RED"] = "sur";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_TITLE"] = "komponentên rengan";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_RGB_TOOLTIP"] = "Şıma renganê sûr, aşıl u kohoy ra rengê do spesifik vırazê. Gani ê pêro 0 u 100 miyan de bıbê.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_OPERATOR_CONTINUE"] = "Gama bin da çerxeni ra dewam ke";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_TOOLTIP_BREAK"] = "Öujtewada çerxeni ra bıvıci";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_TOOLTIP_CONTINUE"] = "Skip the rest of this loop, and continue with the next iteration.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FLOW_STATEMENTS_WARNING"] = "Diqat: No bloke şeno teyna yew çerxiyayış miyan de bıgırweyo.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOREACH_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOREACH_TITLE"] = "Lista %2 de her item %1 rê";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOREACH_TOOLTIP"] = "Yew lista de her item rê, varyansê '%1' itemi rê vırazê, u dıma tayê akerdışi (beyani) bıdê";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOR_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOR_TITLE"] = "Pê amarêno %1 %2 ra %3 rê , herg gam de %4 vurnayışi";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_FOR_TOOLTIP"] = "Have the variable '%1' take on the values from the start number to the end number, counting by the specified interval, and do the specified blocks.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_ELSEIF_TOOLTIP"] = "Bloq da if'i rê yu şert dekerê de.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_ELSE_TOOLTIP"] = "Add a final, catch-all condition to the if block.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_IF_TOOLTIP"] = "Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this if block.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSE"] = "eke çıniyo";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_MSG_ELSEIF"] = "eke nêyo";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_MSG_IF"] = "eke";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_1"] = "Eger yew vaye raşto, o taw şıma tayê akerdışi kerê.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_2"] = "If a value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, do the second block of statements.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_3"] = "If the first value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, if the second value is true, do the second block of statements.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_TOOLTIP_4"] = "If the first value is true, then do the first block of statements. Otherwise, if the second value is true, do the second block of statements. If none of the values are true, do the last block of statements.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_REPEAT_INPUT_DO"] = "bıke";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_REPEAT_TITLE"] = "%1 fıni tekrar ke";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_REPEAT_TOOLTIP"] = "Şıma tayêna reyi akerdışi kerê.";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_OPERATOR_UNTIL"] = "hend tekrar ke";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_OPERATOR_WHILE"] = "Tekrar kerdış de";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_UNTIL"] = "Yew erc xırabo se tay beyanati bıd";
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_WHILEUNTIL_TOOLTIP_WHILE"] = "Yew erc raşto se yu beyanat bıd.";
Blockly.Msg["DELETE_ALL_BLOCKS"] = "Pêro %1 bloki besteriyê?";
Blockly.Msg["DELETE_BLOCK"] = "Bloki bestere";
Blockly.Msg["DELETE_VARIABLE"] = "Şıma vırnaoğê '%1'i besterê";
Blockly.Msg["DELETE_VARIABLE_CONFIRMATION"] = "%1 ke vırnayışê '%2'i gırweneno, besteriyo?";
Blockly.Msg["DELETE_X_BLOCKS"] = "%1 blokan bestere";
Blockly.Msg["DISABLE_BLOCK"] = "Çengi devre ra vec";
Blockly.Msg["DUPLICATE_BLOCK"] = "Zewnc";
Blockly.Msg["DUPLICATE_COMMENT"] = "Mışewreyo zewnc";
Blockly.Msg["ENABLE_BLOCK"] = "Bloki feal ke";
Blockly.Msg["EXPAND_ALL"] = "Blokan hera ke";
Blockly.Msg["EXPAND_BLOCK"] = "Bloki hera ke";
Blockly.Msg["EXTERNAL_INPUTS"] = "Cıkewtışê xarıciy";
Blockly.Msg["HELP"] = "Peşti";
Blockly.Msg["INLINE_INPUTS"] = "Cıkerdışê xomiyani";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_CANCEL"] = "Bıtexelne";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_ERROR"] = "Xeta";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_OK"] = "TEMAM";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_PROCEDURES_ADD_INPUT"] = "+ Beyan cı ke";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_PROCEDURES_ALLOW_STATEMENTS"] = "İfade rê mısade bıde";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_PROCEDURES_DUPLICATE_INPUTS_ERROR"] = "This function has duplicate inputs.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_ADD_BUTTON"] = "Cı ke";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_ADD_VARIABLE"] = "+ Vurnekari cı kerê";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_DELETE_BUTTON"] = "Bestere";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_EMPTY_NAME_ERROR"] = "Heruna nameyê curnekari veng mevıradê.";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_RENAME_BUTTON"] = "Reyna name ke";
Blockly.Msg["IOS_VARIABLES_VARIABLE_NAME"] = "Namê vurriyayışi";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TITLE"] = "lista venge vıraze";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_EMPTY_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns a list, of length 0, containing no data records";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_WITH_CONTAINER_TOOLTIP"] = "Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this list block.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_WITH_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_WITH_INPUT_WITH"] = "Liste ya vıraz";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_WITH_ITEM_TOOLTIP"] = "Yew işaret liste ke.";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_CREATE_WITH_TOOLTIP"] = "Create a list with any number of items.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_FIRST"] = "verên";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_FROM_END"] = "# peyniye ra";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_FROM_START"] = "#";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_GET"] = "bıgê";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_GET_REMOVE"] = "Bıgi u wedarne";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_LAST"] = "peyên";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_RANDOM"] = "raştameye";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_REMOVE"] = "wedare";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TAIL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FIRST"] = "Returns the first item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_FROM"] = "Returns the item at the specified position in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_LAST"] = "Returns the last item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_RANDOM"] = "Returns a random item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FIRST"] = "Removes and returns the first item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_FROM"] = "Removes and returns the item at the specified position in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_LAST"] = "Removes and returns the last item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_GET_REMOVE_RANDOM"] = "Removes and returns a random item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FIRST"] = "Removes the first item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_FROM"] = "Removes the item at the specified position in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_LAST"] = "Removes the last item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_RANDOM"] = "Removes a random item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_FROM_END"] = "Peyni # ra hetana";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_END_LAST"] = "Hetana pey";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FIRST"] = "get sub-list from first";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FROM_END"] = "get sub-list from # from end";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_START_FROM_START"] = "get sub-list from #";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_TAIL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_GET_SUBLIST_TOOLTIP"] = "Creates a copy of the specified portion of a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_FROM_END_TOOLTIP"] = "%1 objeyo peyên o";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_FROM_START_TOOLTIP"] = "%1 objeyo sıfteyên o";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_OF_FIRST"] = "vıraştışê işaretê verêni bıvêne";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_OF_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_OF_LAST"] = "vıraştışê nuşteyê verêni bıvêne";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INDEX_OF_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns the index of the first/last occurrence of the item in the list. Returns %1 if item is not found.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_INLIST"] = "lista de";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_ISEMPTY_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_ISEMPTY_TITLE"] = "%1 vengo";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP"] = "Eger kı lista venga se raşt keno çerğ";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_LENGTH_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_LENGTH_TITLE"] = "dergiya %1";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_LENGTH_TOOLTIP"] = "Derganiya yu lister dano.";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REPEAT_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REPEAT_TITLE"] = "create list with item %1 repeated %2 times";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REPEAT_TOOLTIP"] = "Creates a list consisting of the given value repeated the specified number of times.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REVERSE_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REVERSE_MESSAGE0"] = "%1 dimlaşt kerê";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_REVERSE_TOOLTIP"] = "Yew kopyaya yew lista dimlaşt kerê.";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_INPUT_TO"] = "zey";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_INSERT"] = "De fi";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_SET"] = "ca ke";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FIRST"] = "Inserts the item at the start of a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_FROM"] = "Inserts the item at the specified position in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_LAST"] = "Append the item to the end of a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_INSERT_RANDOM"] = "Inserts the item randomly in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FIRST"] = "Sets the first item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_FROM"] = "Sets the item at the specified position in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_LAST"] = "Sets the last item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SET_INDEX_TOOLTIP_SET_RANDOM"] = "Sets a random item in a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING"] = "zeydıyen";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING"] = "Kemeyen";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_TITLE"] = "%1 %2 %3 weçine";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_TOOLTIP"] = "Sort a copy of a list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_TYPE_IGNORECASE"] = "alphabetic, ignore case";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_TYPE_NUMERIC"] = "Amoriyal";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SORT_TYPE_TEXT"] = "Alfabetik";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_LIST_FROM_TEXT"] = "metini ra lista bıkerê";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_TEXT_FROM_LIST"] = "Lista ra metin bıkerê";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_TOOLTIP_JOIN"] = "Join a list of texts into one text, separated by a delimiter.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_TOOLTIP_SPLIT"] = "Split text into a list of texts, breaking at each delimiter.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_SPLIT_WITH_DELIMITER"] = "Hududoxi ya";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_BOOLEAN_FALSE"] = "ğelet";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_BOOLEAN_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_BOOLEAN_TOOLTIP"] = "Raşt yana çep erc dano";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_BOOLEAN_TRUE"] = "raşt";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_EQ"] = "Debiyaye dı erci zey pêyêse ercê \"True\" dane.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_GT"] = "Return true if the first input is greater than the second input.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_GTE"] = "Return true if the first input is greater than or equal to the second input.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_LT"] = "Return true if the first input is smaller than the second input.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_LTE"] = "Return true if the first input is smaller than or equal to the second input.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_COMPARE_TOOLTIP_NEQ"] = "Return true if both inputs are not equal to each other.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NEGATE_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NEGATE_TITLE"] = "%1 niyo";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NEGATE_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns true if the input is false. Returns false if the input is true.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NULL"] = "veng";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NULL_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_NULL_TOOLTIP"] = "Veng çarneno ra.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_OPERATION_AND"] = "û";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_OPERATION_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_OPERATION_OR"] = "ya zi";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_OPERATION_TOOLTIP_AND"] = "Eger her dı cıkewtışi zi raştê, şıma ageyrê.";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_OPERATION_TOOLTIP_OR"] = "Return true if at least one of the inputs is true.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_TERNARY_CONDITION"] = "test";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_TERNARY_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_TERNARY_IF_FALSE"] = "eke ğeleto";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_TERNARY_IF_TRUE"] = "eke raşto";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_TERNARY_TOOLTIP"] = "Şerta'test'i test keno.  Eger ke şert raşta se erca 'raşt'i çarneno, çepo se erca 'çep'  çarneno.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ADDITION_SYMBOL"] = "+";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_ADD"] = "Arêdayışê dı amara tadê";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_DIVIDE"] = "Letey iya dı amara tadê";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MINUS"] = "Ferqê dı amara tadê";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_MULTIPLY"] = "Reyina dı amara tadê";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ARITHMETIC_TOOLTIP_POWER"] = "Return the first number raised to the power of the second number.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ATAN2_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ATAN2_TITLE"] = "atan2, X:%1 Y:%2";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ATAN2_TOOLTIP"] = "Return the arctangent of point (X, Y) in degrees from -180 to 180.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CHANGE_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CHANGE_TITLE"] = "%2, keno %1 vurneno";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CHANGE_TOOLTIP"] = "Add a number to variable '%1'.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CONSTANT_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CONSTANT_TOOLTIP"] = "Sabitanê wertağan ra yew açarne: π (3.141…), e (2.718…), φ (1.618…), sqrt(2) (1.414…), sqrt(½) (0.707…), or ∞ (bêpeyniye).";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CONSTRAIN_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CONSTRAIN_TITLE"] = "constrain %1 low %2 high %3";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CONSTRAIN_TOOLTIP"] = "Constrain a number to be between the specified limits (inclusive).";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_DIVISION_SYMBOL"] = "÷";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_DIVISIBLE_BY"] = "Leteyêno";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_EVEN"] = "zewnco";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_NEGATIVE"] = "negatifo";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_ODD"] = "kıto";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_POSITIVE"] = "pozitifo";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_PRIME"] = "bıngehên";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_TOOLTIP"] = "Check if a number is an even, odd, prime, whole, positive, negative, or if it is divisible by certain number. Returns true or false.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_IS_WHOLE"] = "tamo";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_MODULO_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_MODULO_TITLE"] = "%1 ÷ %2 ra menden";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_MODULO_TOOLTIP"] = "Mendeyan ra teqsimkerdışê dı amaran açarne.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_MULTIPLICATION_SYMBOL"] = "×";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_NUMBER_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_NUMBER_TOOLTIP"] = "Yew numre.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_AVERAGE"] = "Averacê lista";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MAX"] = "Tewr gırdê lista";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MEDIAN"] = "Wertey lista";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MIN"] = "Tewr qıcê lista";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_MODE"] = "listey modi";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_RANDOM"] = "Raştamaye objeya lista";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_STD_DEV"] = "standard deviation of list";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_OPERATOR_SUM"] = "koma liste";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_AVERAGE"] = "Return the average (arithmetic mean) of the numeric values in the list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MAX"] = "Lista de amara tewr qıckeke tadê";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MEDIAN"] = "Lista ra amara werti tadê";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MIN"] = "Lista de tewr qıckek amar tadê";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_MODE"] = "Return a list of the most common item(s) in the list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_RANDOM"] = "Liste ra yew elemento rastameye açarne.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_STD_DEV"] = "Return the standard deviation of the list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ONLIST_TOOLTIP_SUM"] = "Return the sum of all the numbers in the list.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_POWER_SYMBOL"] = "^";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TITLE_RANDOM"] = "Raştamaye nimande amor";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_RANDOM_FLOAT_TOOLTIP"] = "Return a random fraction between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive).";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_RANDOM_INT_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_RANDOM_INT_TITLE"] = "random integer from %1 to %2";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_RANDOM_INT_TOOLTIP"] = "Return a random integer between the two specified limits, inclusive.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ROUND_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUND"] = "gılor ke";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDDOWN"] = "Loğê cêri ke";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ROUND_OPERATOR_ROUNDUP"] = "Loğê cori ke";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_ROUND_TOOLTIP"] = "Yu amorer loğê cêri yana cori ke";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_OP_ABSOLUTE"] = "mutlaq";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_OP_ROOT"] = "karekok";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ABS"] = "Ercê mutlaqê yew amarer tadê";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_EXP"] = "E quwetê yew amar tadano.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LN"] = "Tebi algoritmaya yew amarer tadê";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_LOG10"] = "Logaritmay 10i yew amari rê peyser tadê";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_NEG"] = "Nêrazibiyena yew amari açarne.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_POW10"] = "Quweta yew amariya 10ıne tade.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SINGLE_TOOLTIP_ROOT"] = "Karerêçê yew amarer tadê";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_SUBTRACTION_SYMBOL"] = "-";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_ACOS"] = "acos";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_ASIN"] = "asin";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_ATAN"] = "atan";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_COS"] = "cos";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_HELPURL"] = "ê_trigonometriye";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_SIN"] = "sin";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TAN"] = "tan";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ACOS"] = "Arkkosinusê yew amari açarne.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ASIN"] = "Arksinusê yew amari açarne.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_ATAN"] = "Arktangensê yew amari açarne.";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_COS"] = "Derecey yew kosinusi tadê (radyan niyo)";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_SIN"] = "Sinusi yew derece tadê (radyan niyo)";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_TRIG_TOOLTIP_TAN"] = "Tanjantê yew derecey tadê (radyan niyo)";
Blockly.Msg["NEW_COLOUR_VARIABLE"] = "Vurriyayoğê rengi vıraze...";
Blockly.Msg["NEW_NUMBER_VARIABLE"] = "Vurriyayoğê amari vıraze...";
Blockly.Msg["NEW_STRING_VARIABLE"] = "Vurriyayoğê rêze vıraze...";
Blockly.Msg["NEW_VARIABLE"] = "Vuriyayeyo bıvıraz...";
Blockly.Msg["NEW_VARIABLE_TITLE"] = "Tewrê vurriyayoğê neweyi:";
Blockly.Msg["NEW_VARIABLE_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Tewrê vurriyayoğê neweyi:";
Blockly.Msg["ORDINAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_ALLOW_STATEMENTS"] = "ifade rê mısade bıde";
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_BEFORE_PARAMS"] = "ebe:";
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_CALLNORETURN_TOOLTIP"] = "Run the user-defined function '%1'.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_CALLRETURN_TOOLTIP"] = "Run the user-defined function '%1' and use its output.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_CREATE_DO"] = "'%1' vıraze";
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_COMMENT"] = "Nê fonksiyoni beyan ke...";
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_DO"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFNORETURN_TOOLTIP"] = "Yew fonksiyono çap nêdate vırazeno";
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_RETURN"] = "peyser biya";
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEFRETURN_TOOLTIP"] = "Yew fonksiyono çap daye vırazeno";
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_DEF_DUPLICATE_WARNING"] = "Tembe: Nê fonksiyoni de parametreyê dıleti estê.";
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_HIGHLIGHT_DEF"] = "Highlight function definition";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_TOOLTIP"] = "If a value is true, then return a second value.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_IFRETURN_WARNING"] = "Warning: This block may be used only within a function definition.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_MUTATORARG_TITLE"] = "namey cıkewtışi:";
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_MUTATORARG_TOOLTIP"] = "Add an input to the function.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_MUTATORCONTAINER_TOOLTIP"] = "Add, remove, or reorder inputs to this function.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["REDO"] = "Newe ke";
Blockly.Msg["REMOVE_COMMENT"] = "Tefsiri Wedare";
Blockly.Msg["RENAME_VARIABLE"] = "Vuriyayey fına name ke...";
Blockly.Msg["RENAME_VARIABLE_TITLE"] = "Pêro vırnayışê '%1' reyna name ke:";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_APPEND_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_APPEND_TITLE"] = "rê %1 Metin dek %2";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_APPEND_TOOLTIP"] = "Append some text to variable '%1'.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHANGECASE_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_LOWERCASE"] = "Herfanê werdiyana";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHANGECASE_OPERATOR_TITLECASE"] = "Ser herf gırd";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHANGECASE_TOOLTIP"] = "Return a copy of the text in a different case.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_FIRST"] = "Herfa sıfti bıgi";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_FROM_END"] = "herfa # peyêne ra bıgê";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_FROM_START"] = "Herfa # bıgi";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_LAST"] = "herfa peyêne bıgê";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_RANDOM"] = "Raştamaye yu herf bıgi";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_TAIL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_TITLE"] = "metın de %1 %2";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CHARAT_TOOLTIP"] = "Şınasnaye pozisyon de yu herfer çerğ keno";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_COUNT_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_COUNT_MESSAGE0"] = "%1 miyan de %2 bımare";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_COUNT_TOOLTIP"] = "Count how many times some text occurs within some other text.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_ITEM_TOOLTIP"] = "Yew işaret nuşteyi ke.";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_TITLE_JOIN"] = "gıre de";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_CREATE_JOIN_TOOLTIP"] = "Add, remove, or reorder sections to reconfigure this text block.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_FROM_END"] = "heta herfa # peyêne";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_FROM_START"] = "heta herfa #";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_END_LAST"] = "heta herfa peyêne";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_INPUT_IN_TEXT"] = "metın de";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FIRST"] = "get substring from first letter";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FROM_END"] = "rêza bınêne herfa # peyêne ra bıgê";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_START_FROM_START"] = "rêza bınêne herfa # ra bıgê";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_TAIL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_GET_SUBSTRING_TOOLTIP"] = "Tay letey metini çerğ keno";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_INDEXOF_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_INDEXOF_OPERATOR_FIRST"] = "vıraştışê nuşteyê verêni bıvêne";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_INDEXOF_OPERATOR_LAST"] = "vıraştışê nuşteyê verêni bıvêne";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_INDEXOF_TITLE"] = "metın de %1 %2 %3";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_INDEXOF_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns the index of the first/last occurrence of the first text in the second text. Returns %1 if text is not found.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_ISEMPTY_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_ISEMPTY_TITLE"] = "%1 vengo";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_ISEMPTY_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns true if the provided text is empty.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_JOIN_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_JOIN_TITLE_CREATEWITH"] = "ya metin vıraz";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_JOIN_TOOLTIP"] = "Create a piece of text by joining together any number of items.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_LENGTH_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_LENGTH_TITLE"] = "dergiya %1";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_LENGTH_TOOLTIP"] = "Returns the number of letters (including spaces) in the provided text.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PRINT_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PRINT_TITLE"] = "%1 çap";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PRINT_TOOLTIP"] = "Print the specified text, number or other value.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PROMPT_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PROMPT_TOOLTIP_NUMBER"] = "Prompt for user for a number.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PROMPT_TOOLTIP_TEXT"] = "Prompt for user for some text.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PROMPT_TYPE_NUMBER"] = "prompt for number with message";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PROMPT_TYPE_TEXT"] = "prompt for text with message";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REPLACE_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REPLACE_MESSAGE0"] = "replace %1 with %2 in %3";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REPLACE_TOOLTIP"] = "Replace all occurances of some text within some other text.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REVERSE_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REVERSE_MESSAGE0"] = "karakteranê %1 weçarne";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_REVERSE_TOOLTIP"] = "Reverses the order of the characters in the text.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TEXT_HELPURL"] = "";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TEXT_TOOLTIP"] = "Yu herfa,  satır yana çekuya metini";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TRIM_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_BOTH"] = "trim spaces from both sides of";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_LEFT"] = "trim spaces from left side of";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TRIM_OPERATOR_RIGHT"] = "trim spaces from right side of";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_TRIM_TOOLTIP"] = "Return a copy of the text with spaces removed from one or both ends.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["TODAY"] = "Ewro";
Blockly.Msg["UNDO"] = "Peyser bıgê";
Blockly.Msg["UNNAMED_KEY"] = "bêname";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_DEFAULT_NAME"] = "unsur";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_GET_CREATE_SET"] = "'%1 bınuse' vıraze";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_GET_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_GET_TOOLTIP"] = "Ercê nê vurnayoği tadano";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_SET"] = "%1 ra %2 rê eyar kerê";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_SET_CREATE_GET"] = "'%1 bıwane' vıraze";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_SET_HELPURL"] = "";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_SET_TOOLTIP"] = "Sets this variable to be equal to the input.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS"] = "Yew vırnayış be namey '%1' xora est.";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_ANOTHER_TYPE"] = "A variable named '%1' already exists for another type: '%2'.";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["WORKSPACE_ARIA_LABEL"] = "Blockly Workspace";  // untranslated
Blockly.Msg["WORKSPACE_COMMENT_DEFAULT_TEXT"] = "Çiyê vace...";

Blockly.Msg["MATH_HUE"] = "230";
Blockly.Msg["LOOPS_HUE"] = "120";
Blockly.Msg["LISTS_HUE"] = "260";
Blockly.Msg["LOGIC_HUE"] = "210";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_HUE"] = "330";
Blockly.Msg["TEXTS_HUE"] = "160";
Blockly.Msg["PROCEDURES_HUE"] = "290";
Blockly.Msg["COLOUR_HUE"] = "20";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_DYNAMIC_HUE"] = "310";

PHP File Manager