File "field_angle.js"
Full path: /usr/home/mndrn/domains/
File size: 15.75 KiB (16133 bytes)
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8
* @license
* Copyright 2013 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview Angle input field.
* @author [email protected] (Neil Fraser)
'use strict';
* Class for an editable angle field.
* @param {string|number=} opt_value The initial value of the field. Should cast
* to a number. Defaults to 0.
* @param {Function=} opt_validator A function that is called to validate
* changes to the field's value. Takes in a number & returns a
* validated number, or null to abort the change.
* @param {Object=} opt_config A map of options used to configure the field.
* See the [field creation documentation]{@link}
* for a list of properties this parameter supports.
* @extends {Blockly.FieldTextInput}
* @constructor
Blockly.FieldAngle = function(opt_value, opt_validator, opt_config) {
* Should the angle increase as the angle picker is moved clockwise (true)
* or counterclockwise (false)
* @see Blockly.FieldAngle.CLOCKWISE
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.clockwise_ = Blockly.FieldAngle.CLOCKWISE;
* The offset of zero degrees (and all other angles).
* @see Blockly.FieldAngle.OFFSET
* @type {number}
* @private
this.offset_ = Blockly.FieldAngle.OFFSET;
* The maximum angle to allow before wrapping.
* @see Blockly.FieldAngle.WRAP
* @type {number}
* @private
this.wrap_ = Blockly.FieldAngle.WRAP;
* The amount to round angles to when using a mouse or keyboard nav input.
* @see Blockly.FieldAngle.ROUND
* @type {number}
* @private
this.round_ = Blockly.FieldAngle.ROUND;
this, opt_value, opt_validator, opt_config);
* The angle picker's gauge path depending on the value.
* @type {SVGElement}
this.gauge_ = null;
* The angle picker's line drawn representing the value's angle.
* @type {SVGElement}
this.line_ = null;
* Wrapper click event data.
* @type {?Blockly.EventData}
* @private
this.clickWrapper_ = null;
* Surface click event data.
* @type {?Blockly.EventData}
* @private
this.clickSurfaceWrapper_ = null;
* Surface mouse move event data.
* @type {?Blockly.EventData}
* @private
this.moveSurfaceWrapper_ = null;
Blockly.utils.object.inherits(Blockly.FieldAngle, Blockly.FieldTextInput);
* The default value for this field.
* @type {*}
* @protected
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.DEFAULT_VALUE = 0;
* Construct a FieldAngle from a JSON arg object.
* @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (angle).
* @return {!Blockly.FieldAngle} The new field instance.
* @package
* @nocollapse
Blockly.FieldAngle.fromJson = function(options) {
return new Blockly.FieldAngle(options['angle'], undefined, options);
* Serializable fields are saved by the XML renderer, non-serializable fields
* are not. Editable fields should also be serializable.
* @type {boolean}
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.SERIALIZABLE = true;
* The default amount to round angles to when using a mouse or keyboard nav
* input. Must be a positive integer to support keyboard navigation.
* @const {number}
Blockly.FieldAngle.ROUND = 15;
* Half the width of protractor image.
* @const {number}
Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF = 100 / 2;
* Default property describing which direction makes an angle field's value
* increase. Angle increases clockwise (true) or counterclockwise (false).
* @const {boolean}
Blockly.FieldAngle.CLOCKWISE = false;
* The default offset of 0 degrees (and all angles). Always offsets in the
* counterclockwise direction, regardless of the field's clockwise property.
* Usually either 0 (0 = right) or 90 (0 = up).
* @const {number}
Blockly.FieldAngle.OFFSET = 0;
* The default maximum angle to allow before wrapping.
* Usually either 360 (for 0 to 359.9) or 180 (for -179.9 to 180).
* @const {number}
Blockly.FieldAngle.WRAP = 360;
* Radius of protractor circle. Slightly smaller than protractor size since
* otherwise SVG crops off half the border at the edges.
* @const {number}
Blockly.FieldAngle.RADIUS = Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF - 1;
* Configure the field based on the given map of options.
* @param {!Object} config A map of options to configure the field based on.
* @private
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.configure_ = function(config) {, config);
switch (config['mode']) {
case 'compass':
this.clockwise_ = true;
this.offset_ = 90;
case 'protractor':
// This is the default mode, so we could do nothing. But just to
// future-proof, we'll set it anyway.
this.clockwise_ = false;
this.offset_ = 0;
// Allow individual settings to override the mode setting.
var clockwise = config['clockwise'];
if (typeof clockwise == 'boolean') {
this.clockwise_ = clockwise;
// If these are passed as null then we should leave them on the default.
var offset = config['offset'];
if (offset != null) {
offset = Number(offset);
if (!isNaN(offset)) {
this.offset_ = offset;
var wrap = config['wrap'];
if (wrap != null) {
wrap = Number(wrap);
if (!isNaN(wrap)) {
this.wrap_ = wrap;
var round = config['round'];
if (round != null) {
round = Number(round);
if (!isNaN(round)) {
this.round_ = round;
* Create the block UI for this field.
* @package
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.initView = function() {;
// Add the degree symbol to the left of the number, even in RTL (issue #2380)
this.symbol_ = Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement(
Blockly.utils.Svg.TSPAN, {}, null);
* Updates the graph when the field rerenders.
* @private
* @override
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.render_ = function() {;
* Create and show the angle field's editor.
* @param {Event=} opt_e Optional mouse event that triggered the field to open,
* or undefined if triggered programmatically.
* @protected
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.showEditor_ = function(opt_e) {
// Mobile browsers have issues with in-line textareas (focus & keyboards).
var noFocus =
Blockly.utils.userAgent.MOBILE ||
Blockly.utils.userAgent.ANDROID ||
Blockly.utils.userAgent.IPAD;, opt_e, noFocus);
var editor = this.dropdownCreate_();
this, this.dropdownDispose_.bind(this));
* Create the angle dropdown editor.
* @return {!SVGElement} The newly created angle picker.
* @private
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.dropdownCreate_ = function() {
var svg = Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement(
Blockly.utils.Svg.SVG, {
'xmlns': Blockly.utils.dom.SVG_NS,
'xmlns:html': Blockly.utils.dom.HTML_NS,
'xmlns:xlink': Blockly.utils.dom.XLINK_NS,
'version': '1.1',
'height': (Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF * 2) + 'px',
'width': (Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF * 2) + 'px',
'style': 'touch-action: none'
}, null);
var circle = Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement(
Blockly.utils.Svg.CIRCLE, {
'cx': Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF,
'cy': Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF,
'r': Blockly.FieldAngle.RADIUS,
'class': 'blocklyAngleCircle'
}, svg);
this.gauge_ = Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement(
Blockly.utils.Svg.PATH, {
'class': 'blocklyAngleGauge'
}, svg);
this.line_ = Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement(
Blockly.utils.Svg.LINE, {
'x1': Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF,
'y1': Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF,
'class': 'blocklyAngleLine'
}, svg);
// Draw markers around the edge.
for (var angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 15) {
Blockly.utils.Svg.LINE, {
'x1': Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF + Blockly.FieldAngle.RADIUS,
'y1': Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF,
'x2': Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF + Blockly.FieldAngle.RADIUS -
(angle % 45 == 0 ? 10 : 5),
'y2': Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF,
'class': 'blocklyAngleMarks',
'transform': 'rotate(' + angle + ',' +
Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF + ',' + Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF + ')'
}, svg);
// The angle picker is different from other fields in that it updates on
// mousemove even if it's not in the middle of a drag. In future we may
// change this behaviour.
this.clickWrapper_ =
Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(svg, 'click', this, this.hide_);
// On touch devices, the picker's value is only updated with a drag. Add
// a click handler on the drag surface to update the value if the surface
// is clicked.
this.clickSurfaceWrapper_ =
Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(circle, 'click', this, this.onMouseMove_,
true, true);
this.moveSurfaceWrapper_ =
Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(circle, 'mousemove', this, this.onMouseMove_,
true, true);
return svg;
* Disposes of events and dom-references belonging to the angle editor.
* @private
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.dropdownDispose_ = function() {
if (this.clickWrapper_) {
this.clickWrapper_ = null;
if (this.clickSurfaceWrapper_) {
this.clickSurfaceWrapper_ = null;
if (this.moveSurfaceWrapper_) {
this.moveSurfaceWrapper_ = null;
this.gauge_ = null;
this.line_ = null;
* Hide the editor.
* @private
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.hide_ = function() {
* Set the angle to match the mouse's position.
* @param {!Event} e Mouse move event.
* @protected
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.onMouseMove_ = function(e) {
// Calculate angle.
var bBox = this.gauge_.ownerSVGElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var dx = e.clientX - bBox.left - Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF;
var dy = e.clientY - - Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF;
var angle = Math.atan(-dy / dx);
if (isNaN(angle)) {
// This shouldn't happen, but let's not let this error propagate further.
angle = Blockly.utils.math.toDegrees(angle);
// 0: East, 90: North, 180: West, 270: South.
if (dx < 0) {
angle += 180;
} else if (dy > 0) {
angle += 360;
// Do offsetting.
if (this.clockwise_) {
angle = this.offset_ + 360 - angle;
} else {
angle = 360 - (this.offset_ - angle);
* Handles and displays values that are input via mouse or arrow key input.
* These values need to be rounded and wrapped before being displayed so
* that the text input's value is appropriate.
* @param {number} angle New angle.
* @private
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.displayMouseOrKeyboardValue_ = function(angle) {
if (this.round_) {
angle = Math.round(angle / this.round_) * this.round_;
angle = this.wrapValue_(angle);
if (angle != this.value_) {
* Redraw the graph with the current angle.
* @private
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.updateGraph_ = function() {
if (!this.gauge_) {
// Always display the input (i.e. getText) even if it is invalid.
var angleDegrees = Number(this.getText()) + this.offset_;
angleDegrees %= 360;
var angleRadians = Blockly.utils.math.toRadians(angleDegrees);
var path = ['M ', Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF, ',', Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF];
var x2 = Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF;
var y2 = Blockly.FieldAngle.HALF;
if (!isNaN(angleRadians)) {
var clockwiseFlag = Number(this.clockwise_);
var angle1 = Blockly.utils.math.toRadians(this.offset_);
var x1 = Math.cos(angle1) * Blockly.FieldAngle.RADIUS;
var y1 = Math.sin(angle1) * -Blockly.FieldAngle.RADIUS;
if (clockwiseFlag) {
angleRadians = 2 * angle1 - angleRadians;
x2 += Math.cos(angleRadians) * Blockly.FieldAngle.RADIUS;
y2 -= Math.sin(angleRadians) * Blockly.FieldAngle.RADIUS;
// Don't ask how the flag calculations work. They just do.
var largeFlag = Math.abs(Math.floor((angleRadians - angle1) / Math.PI) % 2);
if (clockwiseFlag) {
largeFlag = 1 - largeFlag;
path.push(' l ', x1, ',', y1,
' A ', Blockly.FieldAngle.RADIUS, ',', Blockly.FieldAngle.RADIUS,
' 0 ', largeFlag, ' ', clockwiseFlag, ' ', x2, ',', y2, ' z');
this.gauge_.setAttribute('d', path.join(''));
this.line_.setAttribute('x2', x2);
this.line_.setAttribute('y2', y2);
* Handle key down to the editor.
* @param {!Event} e Keyboard event.
* @protected
* @override
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.onHtmlInputKeyDown_ = function(e) {, e);
var multiplier;
if (e.keyCode === Blockly.utils.KeyCodes.LEFT) {
// decrement (increment in RTL)
multiplier = this.sourceBlock_.RTL ? 1 : -1;
} else if (e.keyCode === Blockly.utils.KeyCodes.RIGHT) {
// increment (decrement in RTL)
multiplier = this.sourceBlock_.RTL ? -1 : 1;
} else if (e.keyCode === Blockly.utils.KeyCodes.DOWN) {
// decrement
multiplier = -1;
} else if (e.keyCode === Blockly.utils.KeyCodes.UP) {
// increment
multiplier = 1;
if (multiplier) {
var value = /** @type {number} */ (this.getValue());
value + (multiplier * this.round_));
* Ensure that the input value is a valid angle.
* @param {*=} opt_newValue The input value.
* @return {?number} A valid angle, or null if invalid.
* @protected
* @override
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.doClassValidation_ = function(opt_newValue) {
var value = Number(opt_newValue);
if (isNaN(value) || !isFinite(value)) {
return null;
return this.wrapValue_(value);
* Wraps the value so that it is in the range (-360 + wrap, wrap).
* @param {number} value The value to wrap.
* @return {number} The wrapped value.
* @private
Blockly.FieldAngle.prototype.wrapValue_ = function(value) {
value %= 360;
if (value < 0) {
value += 360;
if (value > this.wrap_) {
value -= 360;
return value;
* CSS for angle field. See css.js for use.
/* eslint-disable indent */
'.blocklyAngleCircle {',
'stroke: #444;',
'stroke-width: 1;',
'fill: #ddd;',
'fill-opacity: .8;',
'.blocklyAngleMarks {',
'stroke: #444;',
'stroke-width: 1;',
'.blocklyAngleGauge {',
'fill: #f88;',
'fill-opacity: .8;',
'pointer-events: none;',
'.blocklyAngleLine {',
'stroke: #f00;',
'stroke-width: 2;',
'stroke-linecap: round;',
'pointer-events: none;',
/* eslint-enable indent */
Blockly.fieldRegistry.register('field_angle', Blockly.FieldAngle);