File "css.js"

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 * @license
 * Copyright 2013 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 * @fileoverview Inject Blockly's CSS synchronously.
 * @author [email protected] (Neil Fraser)
'use strict';

 * @name Blockly.Css
 * @namespace

 * Has CSS already been injected?
 * @type {boolean}
 * @private
Blockly.Css.injected_ = false;

 * Add some CSS to the blob that will be injected later.  Allows optional
 * components such as fields and the toolbox to store separate CSS.
 * The provided array of CSS will be destroyed by this function.
 * @param {!Array.<string>} cssArray Array of CSS strings.
Blockly.Css.register = function(cssArray) {
  if (Blockly.Css.injected_) {
    throw Error('CSS already injected');
  // Concatenate cssArray onto Blockly.Css.CONTENT.
  Array.prototype.push.apply(Blockly.Css.CONTENT, cssArray);
  cssArray.length = 0;  // Garbage collect provided CSS content.

 * Inject the CSS into the DOM.  This is preferable over using a regular CSS
 * file since:
 * a) It loads synchronously and doesn't force a redraw later.
 * b) It speeds up loading by not blocking on a separate HTTP transfer.
 * c) The CSS content may be made dynamic depending on init options.
 * @param {boolean} hasCss If false, don't inject CSS
 *     (providing CSS becomes the document's responsibility).
 * @param {string} pathToMedia Path from page to the Blockly media directory.
Blockly.Css.inject = function(hasCss, pathToMedia) {
  // Only inject the CSS once.
  if (Blockly.Css.injected_) {
  Blockly.Css.injected_ = true;
  var text = Blockly.Css.CONTENT.join('\n');
  Blockly.Css.CONTENT.length = 0;  // Garbage collect CSS content.
  if (!hasCss) {
  // Strip off any trailing slash (either Unix or Windows).
  var mediaPath = pathToMedia.replace(/[\\/]$/, '');
  text = text.replace(/<<<PATH>>>/g, mediaPath);

  // Inject CSS tag at start of head.
  var cssNode = document.createElement('style'); = 'blockly-common-style';
  var cssTextNode = document.createTextNode(text);
  document.head.insertBefore(cssNode, document.head.firstChild);

 * Array making up the CSS content for Blockly.
Blockly.Css.CONTENT = [
  /* eslint-disable indent */
  '.blocklySvg {',
    'background-color: #fff;',
    'outline: none;',
    'overflow: hidden;',  /* IE overflows by default. */
    'position: absolute;',
    'display: block;',

  '.blocklyWidgetDiv {',
    'display: none;',
    'position: absolute;',
    'z-index: 99999;', /* big value for bootstrap3 compatibility */

  '.injectionDiv {',
    'height: 100%;',
    'position: relative;',
    'overflow: hidden;', /* So blocks in drag surface disappear at edges */
    'touch-action: none;',

  '.blocklyNonSelectable {',
    'user-select: none;',
    '-ms-user-select: none;',
    '-webkit-user-select: none;',

  '.blocklyWsDragSurface {',
    'display: none;',
    'position: absolute;',
    'top: 0;',
    'left: 0;',
  /* Added as a separate rule with multiple classes to make it more specific
     than a bootstrap rule that selects svg:root. See issue #1275 for context.
  '.blocklyWsDragSurface.blocklyOverflowVisible {',
    'overflow: visible;',

  '.blocklyBlockDragSurface {',
    'display: none;',
    'position: absolute;',
    'top: 0;',
    'left: 0;',
    'right: 0;',
    'bottom: 0;',
    'overflow: visible !important;',
    'z-index: 50;', /* Display below toolbox, but above everything else. */

  '.blocklyBubbleCanvas.blocklyCanvasTransitioning {',
    'transition: transform .5s;',

  '.blocklyTooltipDiv {',
    'background-color: #ffffc7;',
    'border: 1px solid #ddc;',
    'box-shadow: 4px 4px 20px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.15);',
    'color: #000;',
    'display: none;',
    'font: 9pt sans-serif;',
    'opacity: .9;',
    'padding: 2px;',
    'position: absolute;',
    'z-index: 100000;', /* big value for bootstrap3 compatibility */

  '.blocklyDropDownDiv {',
    'position: absolute;',
    'left: 0;',
    'top: 0;',
    'z-index: 1000;',
    'display: none;',
    'border: 1px solid;',
    'border-color: #dadce0;',
    'background-color: #fff;',
    'border-radius: 2px;',
    'padding: 4px;',
    'box-shadow: 0 0 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.3);',

  '.blocklyDropDownDiv.blocklyFocused {',
    'box-shadow: 0 0 6px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.3);',

  '.blocklyDropDownContent {',
    'max-height: 300px;', // @todo: spec for maximum height.
    'overflow: auto;',
    'overflow-x: hidden;',
    'position: relative;',

  '.blocklyDropDownArrow {',
    'position: absolute;',
    'left: 0;',
    'top: 0;',
    'width: 16px;',
    'height: 16px;',
    'z-index: -1;',
    'background-color: inherit;',
    'border-color: inherit;',

  '.blocklyDropDownButton {',
    'display: inline-block;',
    'float: left;',
    'padding: 0;',
    'margin: 4px;',
    'border-radius: 4px;',
    'outline: none;',
    'border: 1px solid;',
    'transition: box-shadow .1s;',
    'cursor: pointer;',

  '.blocklyArrowTop {',
    'border-top: 1px solid;',
    'border-left: 1px solid;',
    'border-top-left-radius: 4px;',
    'border-color: inherit;',

  '.blocklyArrowBottom {',
    'border-bottom: 1px solid;',
    'border-right: 1px solid;',
    'border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;',
    'border-color: inherit;',

  '.blocklyResizeSE {',
    'cursor: se-resize;',
    'fill: #aaa;',

  '.blocklyResizeSW {',
    'cursor: sw-resize;',
    'fill: #aaa;',

  '.blocklyResizeLine {',
    'stroke: #515A5A;',
    'stroke-width: 1;',

  '.blocklyHighlightedConnectionPath {',
    'fill: none;',
    'stroke: #fc3;',
    'stroke-width: 4px;',

  '.blocklyPathLight {',
    'fill: none;',
    'stroke-linecap: round;',
    'stroke-width: 1;',

  '.blocklySelected>.blocklyPathLight {',
    'display: none;',

  '.blocklyDraggable {',
    /* backup for browsers (e.g. IE11) that don't support grab */
    'cursor: url("<<<PATH>>>/handopen.cur"), auto;',
    'cursor: grab;',
    'cursor: -webkit-grab;',

  '.blocklyDragging {',
    /* backup for browsers (e.g. IE11) that don't support grabbing */
    'cursor: url("<<<PATH>>>/handclosed.cur"), auto;',
    'cursor: grabbing;',
    'cursor: -webkit-grabbing;',
  /* Changes cursor on mouse down. Not effective in Firefox because of */
  '.blocklyDraggable:active {',
    /* backup for browsers (e.g. IE11) that don't support grabbing */
    'cursor: url("<<<PATH>>>/handclosed.cur"), auto;',
    'cursor: grabbing;',
    'cursor: -webkit-grabbing;',
  /* Change the cursor on the whole drag surface in case the mouse gets
     ahead of block during a drag. This way the cursor is still a closed hand.
  '.blocklyBlockDragSurface .blocklyDraggable {',
    /* backup for browsers (e.g. IE11) that don't support grabbing */
    'cursor: url("<<<PATH>>>/handclosed.cur"), auto;',
    'cursor: grabbing;',
    'cursor: -webkit-grabbing;',

  '.blocklyDragging.blocklyDraggingDelete {',
    'cursor: url("<<<PATH>>>/handdelete.cur"), auto;',

  '.blocklyDragging>.blocklyPathLight {',
    'fill-opacity: .8;',
    'stroke-opacity: .8;',

  '.blocklyDragging>.blocklyPathDark {',
    'display: none;',

  '.blocklyDisabled>.blocklyPath {',
    'fill-opacity: .5;',
    'stroke-opacity: .5;',

  '.blocklyDisabled>.blocklyPathDark {',
    'display: none;',

  '.blocklyInsertionMarker>.blocklyPathDark {',
    'fill-opacity: .2;',
    'stroke: none;',

  '.blocklyMultilineText {',
    'font-family: monospace;',

  '.blocklyNonEditableText>text {',
    'pointer-events: none;',

  '.blocklyFlyout {',
    'position: absolute;',
    'z-index: 20;',

  '.blocklyText text {',
    'cursor: default;',

    Don't allow users to select text.  It gets annoying when trying to
    drag a block and selected text moves instead.
  '.blocklySvg text,',
  '.blocklyBlockDragSurface text {',
    'user-select: none;',
    '-ms-user-select: none;',
    '-webkit-user-select: none;',
    'cursor: inherit;',

  '.blocklyHidden {',
    'display: none;',

  '.blocklyFieldDropdown:not(.blocklyHidden) {',
    'display: block;',

  '.blocklyIconGroup {',
    'cursor: default;',

  '.blocklyIconGroupReadonly {',
    'opacity: .6;',

  '.blocklyIconShape {',
    'fill: #00f;',
    'stroke: #fff;',
    'stroke-width: 1px;',

  '.blocklyIconSymbol {',
    'fill: #fff;',

  '.blocklyMinimalBody {',
    'margin: 0;',
    'padding: 0;',

  '.blocklyHtmlInput {',
    'border: none;',
    'border-radius: 4px;',
    'height: 100%;',
    'margin: 0;',
    'outline: none;',
    'padding: 0;',
    'width: 100%;',
    'text-align: center;',
    'display: block;',
    'box-sizing: border-box;',

  /* Edge and IE introduce a close icon when the input value is longer than a
     certain length. This affects our sizing calculations of the text input.
     Hiding the close icon to avoid that. */
  '.blocklyHtmlInput::-ms-clear {',
    'display: none;',

  '.blocklyMainBackground {',
    'stroke-width: 1;',
    'stroke: #c6c6c6;',  /* Equates to #ddd due to border being off-pixel. */

  '.blocklyMutatorBackground {',
    'fill: #fff;',
    'stroke: #ddd;',
    'stroke-width: 1;',

  '.blocklyFlyoutBackground {',
    'fill: #ddd;',
    'fill-opacity: .8;',

  '.blocklyMainWorkspaceScrollbar {',
    'z-index: 20;',

  '.blocklyFlyoutScrollbar {',
    'z-index: 30;',

  '.blocklyScrollbarVertical {',
    'position: absolute;',
    'outline: none;',

  '.blocklyScrollbarBackground {',
    'opacity: 0;',

  '.blocklyScrollbarHandle {',
    'fill: #ccc;',

  '.blocklyScrollbarHandle:hover {',
    'fill: #bbb;',

  /* Darken flyout scrollbars due to being on a grey background. */
  /* By contrast, workspace scrollbars are on a white background. */
  '.blocklyFlyout .blocklyScrollbarHandle {',
    'fill: #bbb;',

  '.blocklyFlyout .blocklyScrollbarBackground:hover+.blocklyScrollbarHandle,',
  '.blocklyFlyout .blocklyScrollbarHandle:hover {',
    'fill: #aaa;',

  '.blocklyInvalidInput {',
    'background: #faa;',

  '.blocklyVerticalMarker {',
    'stroke-width: 3px;',
    'fill: rgba(255,255,255,.5);',
    'pointer-events: none;',

  '.blocklyComputeCanvas {',
    'position: absolute;',
    'width: 0;',
    'height: 0;',

  '.blocklyNoPointerEvents {',
    'pointer-events: none;',

  '.blocklyContextMenu {',
    'border-radius: 4px;',
    'max-height: 100%;',

  '.blocklyDropdownMenu {',
    'border-radius: 2px;',
    'padding: 0 !important;',

  '.blocklyDropdownMenu .blocklyMenuItem {',
    /* 28px on the left for icon or checkbox. */
    'padding-left: 28px;',

  /* BiDi override for the resting state. */
  '.blocklyDropdownMenu .blocklyMenuItemRtl {',
     /* Flip left/right padding for BiDi. */
    'padding-left: 5px;',
    'padding-right: 28px;',

  '.blocklyWidgetDiv .blocklyMenu {',
    'background: #fff;',
    'border: 1px solid transparent;',
    'box-shadow: 0 0 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.3);',
    'font: normal 13px Arial, sans-serif;',
    'margin: 0;',
    'outline: none;',
    'padding: 4px 0;',
    'position: absolute;',
    'overflow-y: auto;',
    'overflow-x: hidden;',
    'max-height: 100%;',
    'z-index: 20000;',  /* Arbitrary, but some apps depend on it... */

  '.blocklyWidgetDiv .blocklyMenu.blocklyFocused {',
    'box-shadow: 0 0 6px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.3);',

  '.blocklyDropDownDiv .blocklyMenu {',
    'font: normal 13px "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;',
    'outline: none;',
    'z-index: 20000;',  /* Arbitrary, but some apps depend on it... */

  /* State: resting. */
  '.blocklyMenuItem {',
    'border: none;',
    'color: #000;',
    'cursor: pointer;',
    'list-style: none;',
    'margin: 0;',
     /* 7em on the right for shortcut. */
    'min-width: 7em;',
    'padding: 6px 15px;',
    'white-space: nowrap;',

  /* State: disabled. */
  '.blocklyMenuItemDisabled {',
    'color: #ccc;',
    'cursor: inherit;',

  /* State: hover. */
  '.blocklyMenuItemHighlight {',
    'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1);',

  /* State: selected/checked. */
  '.blocklyMenuItemCheckbox {',
    'height: 16px;',
    'position: absolute;',
    'width: 16px;',

  '.blocklyMenuItemSelected .blocklyMenuItemCheckbox {',
    'background: url(<<<PATH>>>/sprites.png) no-repeat -48px -16px;',
    'float: left;',
    'margin-left: -24px;',
    'position: static;', /* Scroll with the menu. */

  '.blocklyMenuItemRtl .blocklyMenuItemCheckbox {',
    'float: right;',
    'margin-right: -24px;',
  /* eslint-enable indent */

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