File "bubble.js"
Full path: /usr/home/mndrn/domains/
File size: 27.02 KiB (27673 bytes)
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8
* @license
* Copyright 2012 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview Object representing a UI bubble.
* @author [email protected] (Neil Fraser)
'use strict';
* Class for UI bubble.
* @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} workspace The workspace on which to draw the
* bubble.
* @param {!Element} content SVG content for the bubble.
* @param {Element} shape SVG element to avoid eclipsing.
* @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} anchorXY Absolute position of bubble's
* anchor point.
* @param {?number} bubbleWidth Width of bubble, or null if not resizable.
* @param {?number} bubbleHeight Height of bubble, or null if not resizable.
* @implements {Blockly.IBubble}
* @constructor
Blockly.Bubble = function(
workspace, content, shape, anchorXY, bubbleWidth, bubbleHeight) {
this.workspace_ = workspace;
this.content_ = content;
this.shape_ = shape;
* Method to call on resize of bubble.
* @type {?function()}
* @private
this.resizeCallback_ = null;
* Method to call on move of bubble.
* @type {?function()}
* @private
this.moveCallback_ = null;
* Mouse down on bubbleBack_ event data.
* @type {?Blockly.EventData}
* @private
this.onMouseDownBubbleWrapper_ = null;
* Mouse down on resizeGroup_ event data.
* @type {?Blockly.EventData}
* @private
this.onMouseDownResizeWrapper_ = null;
* Describes whether this bubble has been disposed of (nodes and event
* listeners removed from the page) or not.
* @type {boolean}
* @package
this.disposed = false;
var angle = Blockly.Bubble.ARROW_ANGLE;
if (this.workspace_.RTL) {
angle = -angle;
this.arrow_radians_ = Blockly.utils.math.toRadians(angle);
var canvas = workspace.getBubbleCanvas();
canvas.appendChild(this.createDom_(content, !!(bubbleWidth && bubbleHeight)));
if (!bubbleWidth || !bubbleHeight) {
var bBox = /** @type {SVGLocatable} */ (this.content_).getBBox();
bubbleWidth = bBox.width + 2 * Blockly.Bubble.BORDER_WIDTH;
bubbleHeight = bBox.height + 2 * Blockly.Bubble.BORDER_WIDTH;
this.setBubbleSize(bubbleWidth, bubbleHeight);
// Render the bubble.
this.rendered_ = true;
* Width of the border around the bubble.
Blockly.Bubble.BORDER_WIDTH = 6;
* Determines the thickness of the base of the arrow in relation to the size
* of the bubble. Higher numbers result in thinner arrows.
Blockly.Bubble.ARROW_THICKNESS = 5;
* The number of degrees that the arrow bends counter-clockwise.
Blockly.Bubble.ARROW_ANGLE = 20;
* The sharpness of the arrow's bend. Higher numbers result in smoother arrows.
Blockly.Bubble.ARROW_BEND = 4;
* Distance between arrow point and anchor point.
Blockly.Bubble.ANCHOR_RADIUS = 8;
* Mouse up event data.
* @type {?Blockly.EventData}
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.onMouseUpWrapper_ = null;
* Mouse move event data.
* @type {?Blockly.EventData}
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.onMouseMoveWrapper_ = null;
* Stop binding to the global mouseup and mousemove events.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.unbindDragEvents_ = function() {
if (Blockly.Bubble.onMouseUpWrapper_) {
Blockly.Bubble.onMouseUpWrapper_ = null;
if (Blockly.Bubble.onMouseMoveWrapper_) {
Blockly.Bubble.onMouseMoveWrapper_ = null;
* Handle a mouse-up event while dragging a bubble's border or resize handle.
* @param {!Event} _e Mouse up event.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.bubbleMouseUp_ = function(_e) {
* Flag to stop incremental rendering during construction.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.rendered_ = false;
* Absolute coordinate of anchor point, in workspace coordinates.
* @type {Blockly.utils.Coordinate}
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.anchorXY_ = null;
* Relative X coordinate of bubble with respect to the anchor's centre,
* in workspace units.
* In RTL mode the initial value is negated.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.relativeLeft_ = 0;
* Relative Y coordinate of bubble with respect to the anchor's centre, in
* workspace units.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.relativeTop_ = 0;
* Width of bubble, in workspace units.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.width_ = 0;
* Height of bubble, in workspace units.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.height_ = 0;
* Automatically position and reposition the bubble.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.autoLayout_ = true;
* Create the bubble's DOM.
* @param {!Element} content SVG content for the bubble.
* @param {boolean} hasResize Add diagonal resize gripper if true.
* @return {!SVGElement} The bubble's SVG group.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.createDom_ = function(content, hasResize) {
/* Create the bubble. Here's the markup that will be generated:
<g filter="url(#blocklyEmbossFilter837493)">
<path d="... Z" />
<rect class="blocklyDraggable" rx="8" ry="8" width="180" height="180"/>
<g transform="translate(165, 165)" class="blocklyResizeSE">
<polygon points="0,15 15,15 15,0"/>
<line class="blocklyResizeLine" x1="5" y1="14" x2="14" y2="5"/>
<line class="blocklyResizeLine" x1="10" y1="14" x2="14" y2="10"/>
[...content goes here...]
this.bubbleGroup_ = Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement(
Blockly.utils.Svg.G, {}, null);
var filter = {
'filter': 'url(#' +
this.workspace_.getRenderer().getConstants().embossFilterId + ')'
if (Blockly.utils.userAgent.JAVA_FX) {
// Multiple reports that JavaFX can't handle filters.
filter = {};
var bubbleEmboss = Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement(
Blockly.utils.Svg.G, filter, this.bubbleGroup_);
this.bubbleArrow_ = Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement(
Blockly.utils.Svg.PATH, {}, bubbleEmboss);
this.bubbleBack_ = Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement(
Blockly.utils.Svg.RECT, {
'class': 'blocklyDraggable',
'x': 0,
'y': 0,
'rx': Blockly.Bubble.BORDER_WIDTH,
'ry': Blockly.Bubble.BORDER_WIDTH
if (hasResize) {
this.resizeGroup_ = Blockly.utils.dom.createSvgElement(
{'class': this.workspace_.RTL ? 'blocklyResizeSW' : 'blocklyResizeSE'},
var resizeSize = 2 * Blockly.Bubble.BORDER_WIDTH;
{'points': '0,x x,x x,0'.replace(/x/g, resizeSize.toString())},
Blockly.utils.Svg.LINE, {
'class': 'blocklyResizeLine',
'x1': resizeSize / 3,
'y1': resizeSize - 1,
'x2': resizeSize - 1,
'y2': resizeSize / 3
Blockly.utils.Svg.LINE, {
'class': 'blocklyResizeLine',
'x1': resizeSize * 2 / 3,
'y1': resizeSize - 1,
'x2': resizeSize - 1,
'y2': resizeSize * 2 / 3
} else {
this.resizeGroup_ = null;
if (!this.workspace_.options.readOnly) {
this.onMouseDownBubbleWrapper_ = Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(
this.bubbleBack_, 'mousedown', this, this.bubbleMouseDown_);
if (this.resizeGroup_) {
this.onMouseDownResizeWrapper_ = Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(
this.resizeGroup_, 'mousedown', this, this.resizeMouseDown_);
return this.bubbleGroup_;
* Return the root node of the bubble's SVG group.
* @return {!SVGElement} The root SVG node of the bubble's group.
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.getSvgRoot = function() {
return this.bubbleGroup_;
* Expose the block's ID on the bubble's top-level SVG group.
* @param {string} id ID of block.
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.setSvgId = function(id) {
if (this.bubbleGroup_.dataset) {
this.bubbleGroup_.dataset['blockId'] = id;
* Handle a mouse-down on bubble's border.
* @param {!Event} e Mouse down event.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.bubbleMouseDown_ = function(e) {
var gesture = this.workspace_.getGesture(e);
if (gesture) {
gesture.handleBubbleStart(e, this);
* Show the context menu for this bubble.
* @param {!Event} _e Mouse event.
* @package
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.showContextMenu = function(_e) {
// NOP on bubbles, but used by the bubble dragger to pass events to
// workspace comments.
* Get whether this bubble is deletable or not.
* @return {boolean} True if deletable.
* @package
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.isDeletable = function() {
return false;
* Update the style of this bubble when it is dragged over a delete area.
* @param {boolean} _enable True if the bubble is about to be deleted, false
* otherwise.
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.setDeleteStyle = function(_enable) {
// NOP if bubble is not deletable.
* Handle a mouse-down on bubble's resize corner.
* @param {!Event} e Mouse down event.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.resizeMouseDown_ = function(e) {
if (Blockly.utils.isRightButton(e)) {
// No right-click.
// Left-click (or middle click)
new Blockly.utils.Coordinate(
this.workspace_.RTL ? -this.width_ : this.width_, this.height_));
Blockly.Bubble.onMouseUpWrapper_ = Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(
document, 'mouseup', this, Blockly.Bubble.bubbleMouseUp_);
Blockly.Bubble.onMouseMoveWrapper_ = Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_(
document, 'mousemove', this, this.resizeMouseMove_);
// This event has been handled. No need to bubble up to the document.
* Resize this bubble to follow the mouse.
* @param {!Event} e Mouse move event.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.resizeMouseMove_ = function(e) {
this.autoLayout_ = false;
var newXY = this.workspace_.moveDrag(e);
this.setBubbleSize(this.workspace_.RTL ? -newXY.x : newXY.x, newXY.y);
if (this.workspace_.RTL) {
// RTL requires the bubble to move its left edge.
* Register a function as a callback event for when the bubble is resized.
* @param {!Function} callback The function to call on resize.
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.registerResizeEvent = function(callback) {
this.resizeCallback_ = callback;
* Register a function as a callback event for when the bubble is moved.
* @param {!Function} callback The function to call on move.
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.registerMoveEvent = function(callback) {
this.moveCallback_ = callback;
* Move this bubble to the top of the stack.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the bubble has been moved.
* @package
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.promote = function() {
var svgGroup = this.bubbleGroup_.parentNode;
if (svgGroup.lastChild !== this.bubbleGroup_) {
return true;
return false;
* Notification that the anchor has moved.
* Update the arrow and bubble accordingly.
* @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} xy Absolute location.
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.setAnchorLocation = function(xy) {
this.anchorXY_ = xy;
if (this.rendered_) {
* Position the bubble so that it does not fall off-screen.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.layoutBubble_ = function() {
// Get the metrics in workspace units.
var metrics = this.workspace_.getMetrics();
metrics.viewLeft /= this.workspace_.scale;
metrics.viewWidth /= this.workspace_.scale;
metrics.viewTop /= this.workspace_.scale;
metrics.viewHeight /= this.workspace_.scale;
var optimalLeft = this.getOptimalRelativeLeft_(metrics);
var optimalTop = this.getOptimalRelativeTop_(metrics);
var bbox = this.shape_.getBBox();
var topPosition = {
x: optimalLeft,
y: -this.height_ -
var startPosition = {x: -this.width_ - 30, y: optimalTop};
var endPosition = {x: bbox.width, y: optimalTop};
var bottomPosition = {x: optimalLeft, y: bbox.height};
var closerPosition = bbox.width < bbox.height ? endPosition : bottomPosition;
var fartherPosition = bbox.width < bbox.height ? bottomPosition : endPosition;
var topPositionOverlap = this.getOverlap_(topPosition, metrics);
var startPositionOverlap = this.getOverlap_(startPosition, metrics);
var closerPositionOverlap = this.getOverlap_(closerPosition, metrics);
var fartherPositionOverlap = this.getOverlap_(fartherPosition, metrics);
// Set the position to whichever position shows the most of the bubble,
// with tiebreaks going in the order: top > start > close > far.
var mostOverlap = Math.max(
topPositionOverlap, startPositionOverlap, closerPositionOverlap,
if (topPositionOverlap == mostOverlap) {
this.relativeLeft_ = topPosition.x;
this.relativeTop_ = topPosition.y;
if (startPositionOverlap == mostOverlap) {
this.relativeLeft_ = startPosition.x;
this.relativeTop_ = startPosition.y;
if (closerPositionOverlap == mostOverlap) {
this.relativeLeft_ = closerPosition.x;
this.relativeTop_ = closerPosition.y;
// TODO: I believe relativeLeft_ should actually be called relativeStart_
// and then the math should be fixed to reflect this. (hopefully it'll
// make it look simpler)
this.relativeLeft_ = fartherPosition.x;
this.relativeTop_ = fartherPosition.y;
* Calculate the what percentage of the bubble overlaps with the visible
* workspace (what percentage of the bubble is visible).
* @param {!{x: number, y: number}} relativeMin The position of the top-left
* corner of the bubble relative to the anchor point.
* @param {!Blockly.utils.Metrics} metrics The metrics of the workspace the
* bubble will appear in.
* @return {number} The percentage of the bubble that is visible.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.getOverlap_ = function(relativeMin, metrics) {
// The position of the top-left corner of the bubble in workspace units.
var bubbleMin = {
x: this.workspace_.RTL ? (this.anchorXY_.x - relativeMin.x - this.width_) :
(relativeMin.x + this.anchorXY_.x),
y: relativeMin.y + this.anchorXY_.y
// The position of the bottom-right corner of the bubble in workspace units.
var bubbleMax = {x: bubbleMin.x + this.width_, y: bubbleMin.y + this.height_};
// We could adjust these values to account for the scrollbars, but the
// bubbles should have been adjusted to not collide with them anyway, so
// giving the workspace a slightly larger "bounding box" shouldn't affect the
// calculation.
// The position of the top-left corner of the workspace.
var workspaceMin = {x: metrics.viewLeft, y: metrics.viewTop};
// The position of the bottom-right corner of the workspace.
var workspaceMax = {
x: metrics.viewLeft + metrics.viewWidth,
y: metrics.viewTop + metrics.viewHeight
var overlapWidth = Math.min(bubbleMax.x, workspaceMax.x) -
Math.max(bubbleMin.x, workspaceMin.x);
var overlapHeight = Math.min(bubbleMax.y, workspaceMax.y) -
Math.max(bubbleMin.y, workspaceMin.y);
return Math.max(
1, (overlapWidth * overlapHeight) / (this.width_ * this.height_)));
* Calculate what the optimal horizontal position of the top-left corner of the
* bubble is (relative to the anchor point) so that the most area of the
* bubble is shown.
* @param {!Blockly.utils.Metrics} metrics The metrics of the workspace the
* bubble will appear in.
* @return {number} The optimal horizontal position of the top-left corner
* of the bubble.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.getOptimalRelativeLeft_ = function(metrics) {
var relativeLeft = -this.width_ / 4;
// No amount of sliding left or right will give us a better overlap.
if (this.width_ > metrics.viewWidth) {
return relativeLeft;
if (this.workspace_.RTL) {
// Bubble coordinates are flipped in RTL.
var bubbleRight = this.anchorXY_.x - relativeLeft;
var bubbleLeft = bubbleRight - this.width_;
var workspaceRight = metrics.viewLeft + metrics.viewWidth;
var workspaceLeft = metrics.viewLeft +
// Thickness in workspace units.
(Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness / this.workspace_.scale);
} else {
var bubbleLeft = relativeLeft + this.anchorXY_.x;
var bubbleRight = bubbleLeft + this.width_;
var workspaceLeft = metrics.viewLeft;
var workspaceRight = metrics.viewLeft + metrics.viewWidth -
// Thickness in workspace units.
(Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness / this.workspace_.scale);
if (this.workspace_.RTL) {
if (bubbleLeft < workspaceLeft) {
// Slide the bubble right until it is onscreen.
relativeLeft = -(workspaceLeft - this.anchorXY_.x + this.width_);
} else if (bubbleRight > workspaceRight) {
// Slide the bubble left until it is onscreen.
relativeLeft = -(workspaceRight - this.anchorXY_.x);
} else {
if (bubbleLeft < workspaceLeft) {
// Slide the bubble right until it is onscreen.
relativeLeft = workspaceLeft - this.anchorXY_.x;
} else if (bubbleRight > workspaceRight) {
// Slide the bubble left until it is onscreen.
relativeLeft = workspaceRight - this.anchorXY_.x - this.width_;
return relativeLeft;
* Calculate what the optimal vertical position of the top-left corner of
* the bubble is (relative to the anchor point) so that the most area of the
* bubble is shown.
* @param {!Blockly.utils.Metrics} metrics The metrics of the workspace the
* bubble will appear in.
* @return {number} The optimal vertical position of the top-left corner
* of the bubble.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.getOptimalRelativeTop_ = function(metrics) {
var relativeTop = -this.height_ / 4;
// No amount of sliding up or down will give us a better overlap.
if (this.height_ > metrics.viewHeight) {
return relativeTop;
var bubbleTop = this.anchorXY_.y + relativeTop;
var bubbleBottom = bubbleTop + this.height_;
var workspaceTop = metrics.viewTop;
var workspaceBottom = metrics.viewTop + metrics.viewHeight -
// Thickness in workspace units.
(Blockly.Scrollbar.scrollbarThickness / this.workspace_.scale);
var anchorY = this.anchorXY_.y;
if (bubbleTop < workspaceTop) {
// Slide the bubble down until it is onscreen.
relativeTop = workspaceTop - anchorY;
} else if (bubbleBottom > workspaceBottom) {
// Slide the bubble up until it is onscreen.
relativeTop = workspaceBottom - anchorY - this.height_;
return relativeTop;
* Move the bubble to a location relative to the anchor's centre.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.positionBubble_ = function() {
var left = this.anchorXY_.x;
if (this.workspace_.RTL) {
left -= this.relativeLeft_ + this.width_;
} else {
left += this.relativeLeft_;
var top = this.relativeTop_ + this.anchorXY_.y;
this.moveTo(left, top);
* Move the bubble group to the specified location in workspace coordinates.
* @param {number} x The x position to move to.
* @param {number} y The y position to move to.
* @package
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.moveTo = function(x, y) {
this.bubbleGroup_.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')');
* Triggers a move callback if one exists at the end of a drag.
* @param {boolean} adding True if adding, false if removing.
* @package
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.setDragging = function(adding) {
if (!adding && this.moveCallback_) {
* Get the dimensions of this bubble.
* @return {!Blockly.utils.Size} The height and width of the bubble.
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.getBubbleSize = function() {
return new Blockly.utils.Size(this.width_, this.height_);
* Size this bubble.
* @param {number} width Width of the bubble.
* @param {number} height Height of the bubble.
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.setBubbleSize = function(width, height) {
var doubleBorderWidth = 2 * Blockly.Bubble.BORDER_WIDTH;
// Minimum size of a bubble.
width = Math.max(width, doubleBorderWidth + 45);
height = Math.max(height, doubleBorderWidth + 20);
this.width_ = width;
this.height_ = height;
this.bubbleBack_.setAttribute('width', width);
this.bubbleBack_.setAttribute('height', height);
if (this.resizeGroup_) {
if (this.workspace_.RTL) {
// Mirror the resize group.
var resizeSize = 2 * Blockly.Bubble.BORDER_WIDTH;
'translate(' + resizeSize + ',' + (height - doubleBorderWidth) +
') scale(-1 1)');
} else {
'translate(' + (width - doubleBorderWidth) + ',' +
(height - doubleBorderWidth) + ')');
if (this.autoLayout_) {
// Allow the contents to resize.
if (this.resizeCallback_) {
* Draw the arrow between the bubble and the origin.
* @private
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.renderArrow_ = function() {
var steps = [];
// Find the relative coordinates of the center of the bubble.
var relBubbleX = this.width_ / 2;
var relBubbleY = this.height_ / 2;
// Find the relative coordinates of the center of the anchor.
var relAnchorX = -this.relativeLeft_;
var relAnchorY = -this.relativeTop_;
if (relBubbleX == relAnchorX && relBubbleY == relAnchorY) {
// Null case. Bubble is directly on top of the anchor.
// Short circuit this rather than wade through divide by zeros.
steps.push('M ' + relBubbleX + ',' + relBubbleY);
} else {
// Compute the angle of the arrow's line.
var rise = relAnchorY - relBubbleY;
var run = relAnchorX - relBubbleX;
if (this.workspace_.RTL) {
run *= -1;
var hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(rise * rise + run * run);
var angle = Math.acos(run / hypotenuse);
if (rise < 0) {
angle = 2 * Math.PI - angle;
// Compute a line perpendicular to the arrow.
var rightAngle = angle + Math.PI / 2;
if (rightAngle > Math.PI * 2) {
rightAngle -= Math.PI * 2;
var rightRise = Math.sin(rightAngle);
var rightRun = Math.cos(rightAngle);
// Calculate the thickness of the base of the arrow.
var bubbleSize = this.getBubbleSize();
var thickness =
(bubbleSize.width + bubbleSize.height) / Blockly.Bubble.ARROW_THICKNESS;
thickness = Math.min(thickness, bubbleSize.width, bubbleSize.height) / 4;
// Back the tip of the arrow off of the anchor.
var backoffRatio = 1 - Blockly.Bubble.ANCHOR_RADIUS / hypotenuse;
relAnchorX = relBubbleX + backoffRatio * run;
relAnchorY = relBubbleY + backoffRatio * rise;
// Coordinates for the base of the arrow.
var baseX1 = relBubbleX + thickness * rightRun;
var baseY1 = relBubbleY + thickness * rightRise;
var baseX2 = relBubbleX - thickness * rightRun;
var baseY2 = relBubbleY - thickness * rightRise;
// Distortion to curve the arrow.
var swirlAngle = angle + this.arrow_radians_;
if (swirlAngle > Math.PI * 2) {
swirlAngle -= Math.PI * 2;
var swirlRise =
Math.sin(swirlAngle) * hypotenuse / Blockly.Bubble.ARROW_BEND;
var swirlRun =
Math.cos(swirlAngle) * hypotenuse / Blockly.Bubble.ARROW_BEND;
steps.push('M' + baseX1 + ',' + baseY1);
'C' + (baseX1 + swirlRun) + ',' + (baseY1 + swirlRise) + ' ' +
relAnchorX + ',' + relAnchorY + ' ' + relAnchorX + ',' + relAnchorY);
'C' + relAnchorX + ',' + relAnchorY + ' ' + (baseX2 + swirlRun) + ',' +
(baseY2 + swirlRise) + ' ' + baseX2 + ',' + baseY2);
this.bubbleArrow_.setAttribute('d', steps.join(' '));
* Change the colour of a bubble.
* @param {string} hexColour Hex code of colour.
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.setColour = function(hexColour) {
this.bubbleBack_.setAttribute('fill', hexColour);
this.bubbleArrow_.setAttribute('fill', hexColour);
* Dispose of this bubble.
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.dispose = function() {
if (this.onMouseDownBubbleWrapper_) {
if (this.onMouseDownResizeWrapper_) {
this.disposed = true;
* Move this bubble during a drag, taking into account whether or not there is
* a drag surface.
* @param {Blockly.BlockDragSurfaceSvg} dragSurface The surface that carries
* rendered items during a drag, or null if no drag surface is in use.
* @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} newLoc The location to translate to, in
* workspace coordinates.
* @package
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.moveDuringDrag = function(dragSurface, newLoc) {
if (dragSurface) {
dragSurface.translateSurface(newLoc.x, newLoc.y);
} else {
this.moveTo(newLoc.x, newLoc.y);
if (this.workspace_.RTL) {
this.relativeLeft_ = this.anchorXY_.x - newLoc.x - this.width_;
} else {
this.relativeLeft_ = newLoc.x - this.anchorXY_.x;
this.relativeTop_ = newLoc.y - this.anchorXY_.y;
* Return the coordinates of the top-left corner of this bubble's body relative
* to the drawing surface's origin (0,0), in workspace units.
* @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Object with .x and .y properties.
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.getRelativeToSurfaceXY = function() {
return new Blockly.utils.Coordinate(
this.workspace_.RTL ?
-this.relativeLeft_ + this.anchorXY_.x - this.width_ :
this.anchorXY_.x + this.relativeLeft_,
this.anchorXY_.y + this.relativeTop_);
* Set whether auto-layout of this bubble is enabled. The first time a bubble
* is shown it positions itself to not cover any blocks. Once a user has
* dragged it to reposition, it renders where the user put it.
* @param {boolean} enable True if auto-layout should be enabled, false
* otherwise.
* @package
Blockly.Bubble.prototype.setAutoLayout = function(enable) {
this.autoLayout_ = enable;